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Matching Bitmoji Outfits for Couples

Show how much you appreciate your significant other by wearing matching bitmoji outfits for couples!

Show how much you appreciate your significant other by wearing matching bitmoji outfits for couples!

Emojis provide us with a creative way to express ourselves online, but they aren’t exactly personal.

Fortunately, Bitmoji allows us to customize our characters to create incredibly realistic depictions of ourselves to share with our friends, family, and significant other — without losing any of the appeal of using emojis!

But, aside from using them via texts, did you know that you can have them printed too?

Matching Bitmoji Outfits for Couples

Since a Bitmoji is highly personal (YOU create it, after all!), you can’t just easily buy them online on Amazon. You have to create the Bitmoji yourself using the app, look for a reputable shirt printer, and have them printed.

So, how do you create a Bitmoji so you can create matching Bitmoji outfits for couples?

If you’re a new user, just download the app, and get started making an avatar. If you’ve created a personalized digital avatar for other platforms, this process will be familiar for you.

You pick out a skin shade, hairstyle, hair color, chin, nose, eyes, eyebrows, and so on. One reason that Bitmoji are so popular is that the app provides a lot of options for personalization in this area, so it’s worth some time to get right.

From there, you have a whole lot of options to customize your Bitmoji stickers and comics!

You can dress them in various outfits, create innumerable stickers with different postures and expressions, put them in a variety of scenes, and so on. Then, when you’re ready, pick one and paste it all over your social media app of choice to add flavor to a conversation. Or, you can save it offline and have it printed on a shirt!


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